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Hard Disk Cache

1. Start=>Run=> Sysedit
2. Switch to system.ini
3. Search for [vcache] section
4. If you do not have this section add the following lines to system.ini
5. [vcache]
6. MinFileCache is the minimum amount of RAM of the disk cache.
7. MaxFileCache is the maximum amount of RAM of the disk cache.
8. The more RAM you have the higher your should make these settings.
Note: Remember RAM allocated to the cache cannot be used by applications.
9. Some recommended settings to try:
a) If your PC has 16MB RAM set min to 1024(1MB) and the maximum to 4096(4MB)
b) If your PC has 32MB RAM set min to 4096(4MB) and the maximum to 6144(6MB)
c) If your PC has 64MB RAM set min to 4096(4MB) and the maximum to 8192(8MB)
10. Different configurations benefit from different settings. For example, if you keep ten applications open most of the time and if your applications do not require heavy use of the hard disk a lower setting could be better.