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The following list contains the parameter settings that can be used in the [OPTIONS] section of the MSDOS.SYS file to control Windows 95 Boot Options.


BootMulti = 1 (default if Windows 95 was installed to another directory) Allows you to boot to a previous version of DOS if Windows 95 was installed to a separate directory by placing an option on the startup choice menu
BootMulti = 0 Allows only booting to the Windows 95 operating system. Does not put the menu choice for booting to the old DOS system on the startup choice menu.
BootWin = 1 (default) By default, boot the machine to Windows 95, or the DOS 7.0 Command Line.
BootWin = 0 By default, boot the machine to the previous version of DOS if Multiboot is enabled.
BootGUI = 1 Boot to Windows 95 (default)
BootGUI = 0 Boot to DOS 7.0 command prompt.
BootMenu = 1 Display the Startup Menu.
BootMenu = 0 (default) Do not display the startup menu.
BootMenuDefault=n n represents which menu option will be the default should you not select one the menu. The default is 1 (Start Windows 95)
BootMenuDelay = n n represents how many seconds the menu will be displayed before executing what ever was set in the BootMenuDefault parameter. The default is 30.
BootKeys =1 (deafult) Allows the function keys F4,F5,F5,F8,Shift+F5, Shift+F8 to work on boot up.
BootKeys = 0 Disables the function keys F4,F5,F5,F8,Shift+F5, Shift+F8 for boot up.
BootDelay = n The amount of time in seconds that the bootup process will wait for you to hit a function key after displaying the message "Starting Windows 95." The default is 2.
Logo = 1 (default) Displays the Windows 95 Logo startup screen, or any 320 x 400 BMP named LOGO.SYS that is in your root directory.
Logo = 0 Suppressed the displaying of the Windows 95 logo screen.
Network = 1 (default) Enables the startup menu "Safe Mode With Network Support" option.
Network = 0 Suppresses the "Safe Mode With Network Support" option on the startup menu.
BootFailSafe = 1 (default) Enables the "Safe Boot" option on the startup menu.
BootFailSafe = 0 Disables the "Safe Boot" option on the startup menu.
BootWarn = 1 (default) Displays a informational dialog box that informs you the Windows 95 has been started in safe mode.
BootWarn = 0 Suppresses the Safe Mode informational dialog box.