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Use OSR2 screen savers on older system

There are a number of screen savers that are unique to the OSR2 version of Windows 95. In order for them to work on a system running a previous version of Windows 95, you'll need to copy the screen saver file (*.scr) AND two additional files--GLU32.DLL and OPENGL32.DLL--to the older system.

Copy the two DLL files above, along with any or all of the following screen saver files to the Windows\System folder of the system not running OSR2:

  • 3D Flying Objects.scr
  • 3D Flower Box.scr
  • 3D Maze.scr
  • 3D Pipes.scr
  • 3D Text.scr

The new screen savers will now join the ranks of the others on your system. (To use one, right-mouse-click the desktop, select Properties, click the Screen Saver tab, select a screen saver in the drop-down Screen Saver list, and click OK.)